
Sometimes a Princess (or Prince) is Right Next to Us.

Ball MaryI know some very special people.

I hate diabetes and everything about it. The journey, though, has allowed us the honor to have crossed paths with some of the most incredible people in the world.  People who care.  People who give.  And quite frankly, people who love.

These people understand diabetes.  Some volunteer their time.  Some are involved professionally.  Some do both.  They are doers, not merely those who talk the talk; they definitely walk the walk.

They have but one goal; so the people who have diabetes, or a loved one with diabetes, are given the same opportunity as everyone else to gain everything they can out of life.  They learn and share; they share and make people laugh; they care and make people think.

They challenge those who have diabetes in their household to stretch one more foot to get the ‘upper-hand’ on diabetes.  Their hearts are as big and as full of gold as there can be. 

They just do.

The problem with my week at CWD is I had to say goodbye to so many of them.  Back home we all have the one, two, and/or three special people who really help us in this journey but for a whole week I was with about 250 (that is correct, 250).  Every place I turned, someone else giving their time, their expertise, their smile to someone else.

In the picture is Mary.  Mary is just the perfect person to represent the attitude of so many
who try their hardest to make a difference every day.  Whether someone has diabetes or has a sibling with diabetes, has a child with diabetes, or even has diabetes; so many choose to help.  Mary, like so many, are tops in their field with degrees and experience beyond comprehension.

What says it all is what Mary has written in her bio when she is at CWD, You can spot her at the conferences-she’s the one with the trail of kids behind her!

No matter where you are; be very appreciative of those people who give—-we would be lost without them.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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