
Is Your Glass Half……..uhm……Storm; or Half Rainbow????

Rainbow 2013I’m away on business in Florida.  It’s 6:45 am and I’m on my way to get a cup of coffee.  As I walked out of my hotel, I noticed a beautiful rainbow in the sky above.  I spoke to the doorman.
“Wow, that’s gorgeous.”
“This is Florida pal, we get them  here all the time.”

How lucky.

In New York, I rarely see one, in fact it has been years.

I know a few rainbows.  You know who they are, the people who always and in all ways seem to be a very ‘up’ person.  Like the rainbows in Florida, they ARE, all the time.  Not the negative types that are always looking to break someone down.  They get bogged down with their own opinions and always seem to be miserable.  No, these people are just the ones you want to be with all the time.

I like the rainbow-types.  The room seems to be a little brighter when they’re in the room.  Their lives always seem to be ‘clicked-on’ to enjoying a great life.  It’s rare that you see them in a light that is anything but positive.  It comes down to choice.  At the end of the day, the box is closed or the ashes are spread.  It’s over.  These people just love life, and you can see it instantly.

I would rather try to be the person who empowers others.  Looks for the bright side of others and tackles today as if there is something to grab that will enrich us.  And there is, every day.  I want to choose to LIVE for today.  Sure there are problems in life, life is…..well…  But what we DO WITH TODAY, well that is up to us.

There is a rainbow in the sky this morning; today I am choosing to join in.  How about you?

I am a diabetes dad.

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One reply on “Is Your Glass Half……..uhm……Storm; or Half Rainbow????”

I agree and with practice I have gotten better at beginning each day with a smile rather than an expression that sends a message of worry and uncertainty. I notice people around me more relaxed and confident, too. What an impact we have on those around us. In turn, I am more comfortable. It pays to make an effort.

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