
A Short Story Today with a Big Lesson

Empire STate BldgI am in New York City yesterday for a meeting.  I have always been enthralled with NYC, I love the energy, the people, and for so many years I loved being part of the theatre scene as an actor.  People become intimidated by the City, I find that I am about as relaxed as anyone can be while I am there; and I truly love it.

I am walking toward the train station and I look up at on of my favorite views, the majestic Empire State Building.  I want you to notice the picture I included in today’s article.  I circled something.  Those are two window cleaners making their way down the building after their long day.

By time I passed the spot where they were, they were on the ground ready to leave.  I showed them my picture.  I said:
“I saw you from a few blocks back, it looks like a really big job.”
“It is.”
“How do you tackle that every day?”
“One window at a time.”

That struck me with great impact.  If you stand back and look at the enormity of that building, it could truly overwhelm you with what needs to get done, couldn’t it?  Plus there are four sides to the building.  How can it ever, ever end?

You probably know where I am going with this, but simply put—–as we travel through our world of diabetes, or life itself; the answer oversimplified comes down to this; take it one window at a time.

I am a diabetes dad.

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3 replies on “A Short Story Today with a Big Lesson”

We are newly DX with a 3 year old T1 I like this artical alot. We have been thinking a little to much about the life long aspect of it instead of enjoying todays triumphs.

What a great message – today is Olivia’s 3rd year D-Anniversary and I am asking my friends and family to please support the Power of One – $1.00 to get us closer to a cure. Just like them, cleaning one window at a time.

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