
Yes an Old Dog Can, and so Should We…..Even as a Reminder.

Old dogNo matter how long you have had diabetes in your life, learning is an ongoing practice.  Today, a few things to think about:

Checking your child’s blood glucose in the middle of the night is surely your call; but I can tell you that 4-5-6 checks throughout a normal night may be something you might want to look into.  Find a balance.

If you are running to pick your child up at school each time their number runs high, you may want to speak to someone to find out when removal from school is necessary.  We picked up our children, or kept them home, just a handful of times in the 16 years of schooling between the two of them with T1.  That is not to say their numbers were always perfect, quite the opposite, but to spend a little time in the health office and returned to class when appropriate always seemed the best options for us.  I don’t know what’s right or wrong but millions of people have had this disease over the years and surely that balance needs to be found.

NO…….NO……NO….it’s NOT wrong that some have chosen to home-school their child.  Whether diabetes or not; it is no one’s business telling a family what they should or should not do in this matter.  I cannot tell you how many I know who have home-schooled their children and the results in every case I know (at least) is most impressive…….looking back, I’m not so sure I would not have given that more thought years ago.

You own no one an explanation on giving your child a cell phone (or not).  One piece of advice; staying connected is a good thing but if your child feels it’s just another way to be hounded, it will end up turned off and a battle ground will be created between you both.  Again, find the balance, set the parameters from the get-go.  Let them know that it is a wonderful device which they can use but you need them to do ‘X, Y, & Z’ for them to continue with that privilege.  Once the boundaries are set, it becomes clear what is expected.  The boundaries can change also.  Listen to your child and they will listen to you (okay, not always, they’re kids I get it).

I have said this one a million times.  A medical ID bracelet or necklace is a non-negotiable.  It’s to be worn always.  My daughter was an EMT on an ambulance and she has had T1 since being diagnosed at the age of 2 in 1992—-the wonderful first responders, as a general rule, do not look on sneaker laces, or pins, or anywhere else one thinks the alert is okay to wear it.  Around the wrist or around the neck.  Period.

I know it might be a first reaction to feel/say, “…..this is MY child and I know what is right and will do it our way……”

Point taken.

That being understood, also remember that there are very few things that will happen now that diabetes is the new normal that will be completely unique to just you.  It may seem like it is just you and your child against the world but I can tell you 22+ years strong, and as active as we have chosen to be, that I have seen very little that someone else had not also gone through.  I rely on the community we are now in.  Even just recently, we were in a situation that was fairly unique to us and I reached out to a few people who I knew faced similar circumstances.

Check with your medical team (Doc, CDE, RD, etc.).  Ask others.  Read all you can.   Educate yourself.  Find the balance.  For the newly diagnosed, and those at it over twenty years—–a few simple things to hear and/or be reminded is not such a bad thing.

I am a diabetes dad.

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