
A Reminder about Some Pretty Good “Insurance”.

GeckoRecently I was on business in the state of Florida.  As I left the parking lot, I spent 10 minutes trying to get this (what I thought was) little green gecko off the roof of my car.  There I am talking to the little cutie by telling him to get off or he will be blown into oblivion.

Well he would have none of it.  So I had to be on my way.

As I travelled, I came to my destination and there he was, clinging to the side of the car after a 10 mile trip where at times I was at speeds of 55 miles per hour.  I posted a picture on my FB pages and stated that it was clearly a marketing attempt by a company to get me to switch my car’s insurance company (waste of time I already am a client).

Many people, of course, immediately wrote to tell me that my little friend was not a Gecko but rather a Green Anole.  Okay.  Does a certain insurance company know that?  What I found fascinating about this little guy is the way he held on for the amount of time I was on the road.  It gave me two thoughts.

The first is do we hang on sometimes for dear life just so we are not blown off the vehicle and squished to no end.  Or are we hanging on because it is a really cool ride and we will stay with it as long as we can.  I would like to think that I am holding on because it is an incredible ride.

On my flight home last night, I sat next to a woman who had incredible stories to tell me about her family and her son in California.  I love listening to people and her life was so fascinating from the offices in Manhattan for most of her life, to her movie-writer son who with his wife, just made her a grandmother.  All of it, just fascinated me.

As we talked I shared some things about some of the things that have transpired in our lives and she looked at me and stated that my life sounded so incredibly fascinating.  Really?  As we look back at our lives do we see that we walked through any door that opened, and any one that closed did not stop us from moving forward?  Are we ‘clinging to life’…..or like my new little-gecko (Anole)-friend……just enjoying the ride.

Our lives ARE fascinating and it is important to step back every now and again and realize just how much we have experienced which has increased our knowledge in so many areas.  Even in the ‘ugly’ where we were holding on for ‘dear-life’ we made it through and became stronger.  But at the end of the day, we must enjoy the ride, like my little Gecko (Anole) friend.

How do I know he made that choice….well because at the next stop he was still there as night began.  I looked at him and said, well little fella you surely taught me a lesson today…….how do I know you weren’t just clinging on for dear life?

As the words finished….he walked up the car and posed for me.
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And proceeded to jump off the car and disappear into near-by grass.

Answer received.  Almost as if to say, “Thanks for the ride pal”.

Moral of the story……..the choice to cling or enjoy can be very close in resemblance some times……choose to enjoy.  That is a choice we can each make.   Take time to look and see it………in the end it will make you stronger.  It will teach each of us how we face each tomorrow…….and THAT’s…….. pretty darn good insurance.

I am a diabetes dad.

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