
Today is Declared……..A Day of Fluff. Enjoy!

FluffI have decided to declare today…….a day of fluff; you in?

I’m unsure who it is that has the power to declare a day in any such manner but if it is something that everyone wants, why not?  So today is a day of fluff.  You’re welcome.

We are all bogged down with so much.   We have jobs, family, and so many other things that distract us, needs our attention, needs our time, and most of all needs our energy.  Too much ‘stuff’.    Don’t you wish you could have a day that is just for you and really is a day where nothing else matters.



Fluff is so cool.  Fluff is the opposite of stuff.  We have so much ‘stuff’ going on that we run morning, noon, and night.  Stuff going on, stuff happening, ….too much ‘stuff’.

Fluff is nothing. Almost like a cloud.  It feels soft, it wraps around you and holds you.  It is gentle.  It is no worries, no pain, no running around, no ‘have-to-do’ anything today because today is a day of fluff.

Take it, enjoy it, because tomorrow you have to get back to your stuff; but today is a declared day…………………..of fluff.


I am a diabetes dad.

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