
Miracle/Inspiration On Ice (pick one)…..T1 was Not the Only Hurdle.

Croy ConacherMany times I have read parents who search for inspiration for their child now living with diabetes.  I’m still in the process of creating a video to inspire all kids that they can achieve anything while dealing with this disease 24/7.  One of the most grueling sports to ever consider participating with diabetes is ice hockey.  To be clear: anyone who gets through life with diabetes is a hero in my book and participating in life itself is to be commended.  When engaging in other activities in addition to that just constantly amazes me.

To have multiple challenges, and still continue, even more so.  Corey Conacher was born with bladder exstrophy.  That is when your bladder develops n the outside of your body.  Sometimes it is picked up in an ultra sound before birth.  Shortly after Corey was born, he started on a pathway of operations to correct this situation which left him with a bladder much, much smaller than others.

The surgeries were many from fixing a damaged pelvic area to surgery to correct the problem at hand.  Some said that walking at all should be accepted much less walking normally; not to mention the frequent amount of times he had to go to the bathroom.  Had enough?  I surely have.  What else could happen to this poor child?

Well at age 8, Cory was diagnosed with T1 Diabetes.  So give up now, right?  Just be happy with living through life, right?  Wrong.

Deeply wrong.

You see Cory lives with a mantra of two words, “DREAM BIG”.

And dream big he has done because you see, Corey is a Center on the NY Islanders, of the NHL.  His small frame of only 5’8″ has not stopped him, his battle with bladder exstrophy did not stop him, and his type 1 diabetes did not stop him.

So the next time you or your child think that something cannot be done, think about how many times Cory was told no in his life……can you imagine……probably millions, right?  But there is in his Jersey #89——and at only 24 years of age…..this is a man who Thinks Big indeed.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

(EDITOR’s NOTE: Some information for this article courtesy of NEWSDAY)

One reply on “Miracle/Inspiration On Ice (pick one)…..T1 was Not the Only Hurdle.”

I’ve always been a fan of Cory Conacher, even since before I first saw him play (he comes from a family line of hockey greats, by the way). I’ve read (few) articles about his diabetes, but there’s one thing I never read about and would love to know:

During his rookie year, he played for the Tampa Bay Lightning. Teammate B.J. Crombeen also was a Type 1 (it’s the only pro sports team I know of with two T1s regularly in the lineup). Then Conacher was traded to Ottawa. I’ve always wondered what the dynamic between the two was like, in the locker room and elsewhere, and if it hurt a little more than usual when he left the team. I’d have to imagine the two looked out for one another.

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