
Feels Good to Save a Life………But the Ones Being Missed MUST STOP!

GDR warning signsWhen I began the Child’s Cry for Change initiative and Kim May (A Texas dMom) and I began Get Diabetes Right FB page; I thought if we saved one child’s life, it would be well worth it all.  I did not expect it so soon……which only translates how much more work we have to do.  No child should be diagnosed with T1 diabetes when it’s too late.  None!  Not one.

I was given a post tonight that included a story from a mom who posted about a newly diagnosed child.  She was given the poster from Get Diabetes Right and she acted quicker in getting her child to a hospital and sure enough; the child was placed on insulin and diagnosed with T1 diabetes.

In the post she wrote: It’s just possible the sharing of these symptoms (pictured above) saved a life today, and they could again. Thanks for reading.

In as much as I’m completely excited about this feeling of playing a small part in this specific incident; it only serves as a reminder for all of us.  You may never know what role you play in saving someone’s life.  Something you do today may have an impact beyond understanding tomorrow.  Posting signs in a library, in school, or in supermarkets just may be seen by someone.  Checking children for diabetes at the first possible signs—-IT MAY NOT BE THE FLU.

It may not be the flu.  If the flu-like symptoms were meningitis (this post pointed out) or thought to be meningitis, reaction/action would be swift.  But the same flu-like symptoms may also be a full onset of DKA; and the results could be disastrous.  WHY is there not a test done…….too expensive??????…….tell that to a parent who lost a child.  If a child is in DKA and shows flu like symptoms, even starting with a simple urine test to check for keytones could be a start.

A simple test can start a patient on the right regime of taking care of themselves BUT ONLY if they know. I get that if you take out a glucometer and check a child’s blood sugar level; it cannot be used for a definitive diagnosis but if the number is 625, you can rest assured it warrants the correct testing for a true diagnosis……yes?  When I write or lecture just “Don’t Do Nothing” I really DO NOT mean it as just a rhetorical ‘cheer leading’ let’s get out there and change the world.

I again ask you; print out a poster, or 2,3,4,5, or a hundred and plaster them all over.  It is a GREAT boy/girl scout project.  A great community service project.  I literally shook last night as I read the entire post of this story. (It was also great to talk to the mom about it as well).  To think we my have played a role in saving someone’s life, even a very small role,……….it’s a VERY special feeling.

Nothing will get done without involvement.  No ask for money.   No really stressful situation to organize.   Just print out posters and post them around town.  Go to Get Diabetes Right on FB and find out what you can do.  There is a choice of posters you can print or you can request for a pdf file to be sent to you.

Just ‘don’t do nothing’………………………it literally just might save a life.  We HAVE WORK TO DO!!!!

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


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