
Save One Rose, Save One Life; We ALL CAN DO….For Those Who Cannot!!!!

Rose spare a roseA Rose is a Rose…….right?  Well not really.  Not when it can save a life.
Hard to believe it has been four years since this incredible program began but it is…..and it’s so simple….and YOU can do it.

Spare a Rose, Save a Child is an online effort that raises money and awareness for IDF’s (International Diabetes Federation) Life for a Child program, which provides life-saving diabetes supplies to children in developing countries.  There are plenty of ways to give here at home—-on this day—this is something that can help those who cannot.  (as little as $5.00 will help)

Initiated by a group of members from the Diabetes Online Community in 2013, the idea behind this effort is simple: people are encouraged take the typical “dozen roses,” so popular on Valentine’s Day, and donate the value of one rose to spare the life of a child.

Feel good about Valentines Day—-because you made a difference.  Really.

I am a DiabetesDad.

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