
Hey, Can Your HS/College Kids Help the DRI Get $10,000?

halo-ice-creamNow I tried Halo, my daughter tried Halo Ice Cream, it’s a great tasting and pretty good nutrient value; and Kaitlyn informs me that her blood sugars did not spike when eating it.  So, not bad….in fact pretty good.  But of course, it’s different in each person as you well know.

Here’s the deal.  Halo Ice Cream will give $1.00 per Instagram hashtag
#RaiseYourSpoon.  Now, in case you are not a fan of this deal, I can assure you that it is the real deal.  So if you want to help us reach the $10,000 donation from Halo, here is what you do……grab a cool picture and go to INSTAGRAM, and hashtag it
#RaiseYourSpoon….for each hashtag on Instagram, the DRI will receive $1.00 up to 10 thousand dollars.  So ask your high school and college aged-kids to go to Instagram and hashtag a photo #RaiseYourSpoon.

If they/you do not have a picture, use the one here.  This is November, Diabetes Awareness Month……why not help raise money without having to give a penny, post the hashtag #RaiseYourSpoon on a photo in Instagram and help us get to our goal of 10,000 hashtags which will translate into $10,000 to the important research being done at the DRI for a biological cure.

This is easy.  So help spread the word and help the DRI to receive $10,000 from Halo Creamery.  But remember to hashtag #RaiseYourSpoon on anything posted.  Share with your college kids and high school kids and ask them to share with their friends. They can share on FB and Twitter but the hashtag ONLY counts on Instagram.
Thank you.
I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

Fair disclosure—as most know already, I’m an employee of the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation.

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