
OPINION: If All Do Not Sit at the Table, at the Same Time, NOTHING will Get Done.

TableI received my mortgage bill recently from my bank.  There was an error in my amount of taxes.   So I called my municipal tax assessor’s office to confirm the error and they agreed.  I called my bank and informed them, they started a report (they always ‘start’ a report) and said they would look into it.  I called back in a few days and they stated they contacted the tax assessor’s office and that they were correct from the beginning and that I would be getting a letter…..from the report.

Uhhhhhhhmmmmm……I don’t think so.

After going around in a circle a few times, I got both the bank and the municipality on the call at the same time to stop the perpetual merry-go-round and we worked it through.  I will be getting the revised bill shortly.  Now those few sentences are about 6 hours worth of wasted time and energy, but when I got everyone together, at the table at the same time, as-it-were…..results.  Unless all the stakeholders are together at the same time it’s the gerbil in the never-ending spinning wheel.

Now hear me and hear me closely.  All of the government regulations, petitions, and meetings will not do anything substantial when it comes to the cost of insulin. Little will be done in tangible results.  At some point, the natural progression of the market and competition will do something to lower the costs and people will be jumping through hoops to take the credit….if that, indeed, ever happens.

Oh sure MANY, MANY really good things will happen that will REALLY, REALLY look good…..but it’s all for show to say to the world……”look what we did.”

But watch carefully….it’s all for naught.

But until such time as the stakeholders, the retailers, the producers, the manufacturers, all sit around the table at the same time to try to resolve this mess….and throw in a few elected officials to give a government perspective on the whole picture as well……… won’t be resolved…….ever.  Please prove me wrong.  But if we want to see something significant happen with this insulin dilemma, get everyone involved at the same time at the same table and lock the door until a resolution comes into play….is really our only chance.

So either get everyone, EVERYONE, all together or, as I said, prove me wrong……..PLEASE…….prove me wrong.
I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’

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