
NEWSBREAK: CBS This Morning Reports on Insulin Costs, The Players, and the Lawsuit

As I wrote/reported recently on the story in Diabetes Daily, there is a lawsuit pending against the insulin companies regarding collusion on insulin pricing of late; and I also have stressed on how all parties need to react and must come together (read it here).  Today, on CBS This Morning, they report the story in […]


NEWSBREAK: Law Suit Against Top 3 Insulin Manufacturers

I won’t even try to re-report this story—-go to my colleagues’ story at Diabetes Daily and read all about it: I am a DiabetesDad. Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’    


OPINION: If All Do Not Sit at the Table, at the Same Time, NOTHING will Get Done.

I received my mortgage bill recently from my bank.  There was an error in my amount of taxes.   So I called my municipal tax assessor’s office to confirm the error and they agreed.  I called my bank and informed them, they started a report (they always ‘start’ a report) and said they would look […]