
The Merry-Go-Round………Take Time to……Well……Get Off!!!!!

merry-go-round-in-motionThe job you do…….well it’s amazing.  If you wrote down everything you did in a day, not dealing with diabetes, and also created a list of everything you do dealing with diabetes, and stepped back to look at them; you would think it could never be done…….but it is.  And it’s YOU who do it every day.

I do something every day that I think you should try to do it also.  I take 10 minutes out of each and every day (just about) for me……..just me.  I will sit with a cup of coffee by myself, or put on a song and sit and just take 10 minutes for…..well…

I’m not sure who taught me to do that but I have been doing it for years and years and years.  I find the time to just stop.  When you are on a merry-go-round it picks up speed and goes faster and faster.  Everything goes by so fast.  Many times you will get dizzy if you are not careful.  Sit down in your back yard or on your porch and just sit.  Nothing.  For just 10 minutes.

You will find yourself more keenly aware of your surroundings and as you think, you will relax just a little, a smile will come across your face because you have thought of someone you know and like, knew and liked, a great time you had with friend, a great time doing something you liked……you will find time to think……..of you.

Find the time and be proud of what you do.  You are amazing.  You do incredible things.  You ARE an incredible person.   WHO better than to spend 10 minutes with……….than you.   Try it.

I am a diabetes dad.

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