Two events occurred within the last 24 hours that made me take notice. Judy Martin was found dead in her home; Aaron Rodgers received an award. Now you may think these two events have nothing to do with diabetes and on the surface they surely do not; but the aftermath very well might. Ms. Martin was […]
He is a superstar. A mega star. A golden voice, an incredible writer, and a friend fo the Diabetes Research Institute. He will be performing this year, which he does from time to time, at our Love and Hope Ball next month. He is getting ready to tour. He was on Saturday Night live recently. […]
It is the biggest trophy in all of the NBA. It’s sterling silver with a 24 karat gold overlay. It weighs approximately 14.5 pounds and the ball is almost the same size as a regulation basketball. Each year the award is created for the winner of the NBA Championship by Tiffany and Company. In the USA, it […]
Seriously???? If you want to get to a root (not ‘THE’ root—just ‘A’ root) problem with the priorities in today’s world, all you would need to do is watch this clip (click the picture above). Or is it more of just a statement on what the media thinks of our elected officials? A Congresswoman……A UNITED STATES CONGRESSWOMAN […]
For the record…..I’m not a fan of winter. On our wall in our den is a family photo where we all look like we were spending the weekend with my dear friend Moira, and her family, somewhere in ski country USA. The picture looks like we are out of central casting for snow bunnies. The truth […]
Click the picture, watch the video first, and come back…….it is only about a minute long. Seconds to go in a game, know this–if this Miami team loses, the Championship is over, and they are out.. Seconds tick, pressure, cheers, screaming………little chance…… to be eliminated…….and something happened. Sports fans, SCREAMING in-game 6 last year when Miami […]