
Are you a d-Dad (Psssssssst—d-Moms, show your husband Today’s Article)? A dad making a difference.

Are you a dad? There are many, many, d-moms out here but the simple truth is that for every child with diabetes, there is a dad. I have the honor to moderate the Dad’s discussion group at the Children with Diabetes conferences.  I cannot tell you how much Dads have to say, they do, and their […]


At The End of the Day…..We Might Have No One to Blame……But Ourselves.

Which is it?  Do we want it both ways? Is diabetes a disease which has an onslaught of possible complications and is a life sentence of constant management that at any given moment can have a disastrous impact on the person suffering with it? Or Is diabetes something that we constantly teach our children that […]


One of My Biggest Fears About My Kids Having Diabetes……….

Dear Kaitlyn and Rob, I read recently about a horrible car accident.  The person who was at fault has T1 diabetes.  She informed police that she was late for work and she did not check her blood sugar before she left her home.  She was severely low.  She did not remember much of what happened. THAT […]


NEWSFLASH: Charlie Kimball Wins First….Stands Alone Atop Victory Podium.

Six years ago he was told he had diabetes.  Many stated he was done.  Many stated to forget racing.  How could he win……he has type 1 diabetes. Charlie Kimball dashed all of the naysayers on Sunday when he ran a brilliant race and with just 18 laps left, he slipped past the leaders and just […]


DOC Babies……Have You Had Enough???……I Haven’t :)

Is it just me, or do you also find one of the best things about being part of the diabetes online community is watching all of these babies being born and growing up right in front of our eyes? Remembering when our friends were pregnant, the anticipation, and finally the blessed day has now left […]


Diabetes…….Imagine if We All Started with One Note…..A Video to Teach Us All. Enjoy.

In a world when we constantly ask……why are we all going in different directions and not traveling on the same page?  Sometimes it only takes one note for people to follow; instead of thinking ‘a better note is necessary’.  The more people who join in with the right note, instead of opposing the note, can branch off […]