
NEWSBREAK WARNING: Do not—DO NOT Let our Voices Go Unheard. Read, Act, and Share.

 Sometimes things are done that just leave me scratching my head.  Today is such a day.  The best part is that you can do something about it, and to be honest–this just makes no sense to me whatsoever. The FDA is planning a series of ‘patient meetings’ over the next five years to better understand […]


A Crucial Issue That You Should Know About….Read, Share, and Follow THIS Issue.

Over the last few days I have been at the American Association of Diabetes Educators Conference in Philadelphia. I have been coming to this conference for years.  It is great to meet up with those who support the DRI in so many different ways and to meet colleagues who are deep into the fight for PWDs […]


Good-bye to Blogging as We Know It??? I Surely Hope Not.

There is a very interesting article being circulated online, written by ‘NPR‘.  The article entitled: Social Media Help Diabetes Patients (And Drugmakers) Connect begins by stating how the diabetes community is connected but quickly turns to the fact that pharma companies are getting involved with many of the bloggers and that involvement needs to be regulated, or […]