It almost sounds like it could be a name of a movie, doesn’t it? In as much as I fully understand the fact that so many work so hard, oh so very hard, to make sure kids ‘get back out there’ into the world while managing their diabetes; and am also fully appreciative of the fact that we […]
Here is a two-minute+ video that should just make you smile today…….the take away for today: Sometimes we need to do something from our childhood……..just to keep us young, no matter what age we are. Click the picture and enjoy…….and share it with someone who needs to smile today. I am a diabetes dad. Please visit my Diabetes […]
Do………What You Think Cannot Be Done.
In my many years as an actor, I have learned to observe. To take a step back and notice a nuance, a glance, a touch. People are such fascinating observations in their physical-being, and the human spirit is even more incredible to watch. I was reading about a friend of mine who hiked over 100 miles […]
How do you know if you made a difference; if the point was driven home? How do you know if the listener ‘gets’ what you are sharing? What happens when the dust all settles and we move on with life? A few weeks ago we lost two children in one weekend to DKA and undiagnosed […]
We took every precaution there was. We read-up on what every parent suggested. We had back-ups of back-ups. We met with the nurse. The kids were all getting a letter home in her K class so everyone was on the same page. Our 504 plan was in place. Jill had quit work so she was […]
We are looking for Reegan’s Rule to come out of the North Carolina Senate Committee and be bought to a vote in the North Carolina Senate. The bill (which is House Bill-20 and is now Senate Bill 27–REEGAN’s RULE) will encourage diabetes education by medical professionals to parents through the first five years of a child’s life. We have worked […]