I remember when Kaitlyn was first diagnosed. Our world collapsed. Things would never get better. What will we do? How will we move on? This is the worse day of our lives. Sound familiar? But we did move on. And as we moved on, life continued to…..well…..happen. Someone once asked me how is that no […]
Tag: A1C
So there are just a few days left. What did you do this month in recognition of diabetes awareness month? If you did something, let us know what you did. Did you wear blue? Did you write to a congressman? Did you go to a fund-raising event? Did you run a fund-raising event? What did you do? […]
I love Thanksgiving. Since I was a little kid, the Parade meant everything to me. It was a time we would all sit and watch, we would see my mom’s beloved Rockettes and Santa would end the parade to begin the Christmas season. Much food, fun, and football. Always loved Thanksgiving. It was a dream […]
SANTA CLAUS CAN PEN A PERSONAL NOTE TO YOUR CHILD THIS CHRISTMAS Jolly holiday 5th Annual fundraiser benefits Diabetes Research Institute Foundation NOTE: Your child does not have to have diabetes to receive a letter from Santa Yes, Virginia (and Emma, and Maria, and Max, and Willie…), there is a Santa Claus. To prove it, Ol’ […]
November is Diabetes Awareness Month and the 14th is designated as Word Diabetes Day. It’s my understanding that the American Diabetes Association designated one and the International Diabetes Federation designated the other…..and it was so declared. I think. Now I love ‘branding’. I love that I know what Nike means, what Polo means, and what the golden […]
I have often found myself reflecting back to the days when Kaitlyn was very, very young and we began this journey. Do you ever reflect back? If you are fairly new at this ‘diabetes thing’, it may seem like such a long haul ahead of you but let me share that you should look back […]