
ADA Scientific Sessions; a Lesson in Trust

Landing at San Francisco airport, it was a fearful realization for me to watch two planes come in for a landing at the same time (as in the picture which was taken at the same airport).  It seems that they are too close together to even land safely.  There is much trust between these two […]


Parents: Look at it From Your Child’s Point of View

Me: How often does that happen? Teenager: 2-3 times a day. Now I will be the first one to admit that we did not have the luxury of a CGM sending  our child’s glucose numbers to our phone nonstop when Kaitlyn was diagnosed year’s ago.  What happened in the discussion I was presently engaged was […]


When it Hurt Too Much to Write

Hi there. It has been a while since I wrote, but I’m still here. One of the happiest times in my life was discussing my articles with my mom. She was my sharpest critic but make no mistake, she was quite proud of the forum I now have. My mom loved to write….she always did. […]


Our Changing Diabetes World…….We are no Longer in Kansas.

As I walked through the Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association’s 78th meetings and exhibit hall I can only think that when we started this journey in 1992, never did I think we would be where we are today.  Both ideal management tools and research science looking to cure this disease seems to be […]