
Getting a Reminded “Lift” Over 3000 Miles From Home.

  In the UK elevators are called “Lifts”.  This phrase is quite appropriate for all of us at the Children with Diabetes Friends for Life UK conference here in Glasgow Scotland.  The people here are absolutely wonderful and are hungry to hear the latest of what is happening in the diabetes world.  It is always great […]


Following the Sun…..Will Diabetes be the Same?

It was dark when I left Newark Airport.   I am heading to Scotland.  I am speaking at the Children with DIabetes Friends for Life UK.  Scotland is 5 hours ahead of us.  When I land it will be daylight, I am chasing the sun. When dealing with diabetes, I’m told that Scotland is different from the […]


Diabetes Across the World…..The Same???? I’m about to Find Out!!!!

Soon I will be with many others in another country. Funny thing about diabetes; it doesn’t care what country you live in, or the care available, or present family situations; diabetes just does not care.  It will come at you and will come at you hard; no matter where you call home. I look forward to meeting […]


The Loss of a Giant in Wisdom, Humility, and Balance….A Remembrance.

I write in this space.  I share.  I try to relay to you my emotion and excitement about things that excite me.  I write about people, every day people, who make a difference.  I write to you as I feel things and I inform you on things I learn.  Some things you may know already, […]


I Know What (many of) You Did Last Summer……and Many More Should Do It This Year Too!!!!

It was about this time 13 years ago; perhaps a tad earlier, perhaps in the final weeks of the year before.  I read in a chat room that a woman was heading to Florida with her family and if anyone wanted to meet there, to let her know.  This was not any chat room.  It was a […]


Taking Off……She is on Her Way

On her way.  In a little while Kaitlyn boards a plane bound for the Children With Diabetes (CWD) Conference in Canada.  It’s snowing, and that is cause for a little anxiety.  It’s on a plane, and that always has its parent-self-inflicted anxiety level (funny thing is that when I fly, I have little).  She will be […]