
Are YOU a ‘Helicopter Parent’???

Are you a “helicopter parent”?  That is a parent that ‘hovers’ over their child at all times.  I just heard this description recently and I ask it of you today. The term “helicopter parents” is an expression for parents that has been widely used in the media.  It seems it first appeared as early as 1969 […]


Parents: Learn the Word YES!

There are many of us who live by a phrase, or a philosophy, that we have used for some time.  It’s from those of us who have been around the block a few times dealing with diabetes.  A mom wrote that she wanted her child to do something but she was afraid because they now had diabetes.  […]


Do You want YOUR CHILD to receive a PERSONAL Letter from Santa?

SANTA CLAUS CAN PEN A PERSONAL NOTE TO YOUR CHILD THIS CHRISTMAS Jolly holiday 4th Annual fundraiser benefits Diabetes Research Institute Foundation NOTE: Your child does not have to have diabetes to receive a letter from Santa Yes, Virginia (and Emma, and Maria, and Max, and Willie…), there is a Santa Claus. To prove it, Ol’ […]


Diabetes Thanksgiving???….Is There Really Anything to be Thankful About????

Happy Thanksgiving. One might think that there is not a whole lot to be thankful for when you have a child, and I have two, with T1 diabetes.  If you felt that way; you would be wrong. If you live that way, I hope you find a way to change it.   I have all of the […]


Sound Familiar: “My Husband Does Nothing To Help!!” Uhm……Have You Asked?

Years ago, I organized this survey.  It was not scientific but certainly the results were very note-worthy.  Hundreds of people answered the questions and I learned a lot.  I have written about this before but it is always worthy to bring up again to begin a healthy discussion. Two questions of the survey had to do […]


Holidays: Is the Right One STRESSED???? It Should NOT BE YOU!!!!

Continuing in our series of, He Said, She Said; I am again proud and honored to team up with Author, Lecturer, AADE’s Educator of the Year, Susan Weiner, MS RDN CDE CDN. Thanksgiving is fast approaching. With that may come the anxiety of ‘what the heck’ do I do so I do not eat too much. Below […]