
Holidays: Is the Right One STRESSED???? It Should NOT BE YOU!!!!

Continuing in our series of, He Said, She Said; I am again proud and honored to team up with Author, Lecturer, AADE’s Educator of the Year, Susan Weiner, MS RDN CDE CDN. Thanksgiving is fast approaching. With that may come the anxiety of ‘what the heck’ do I do so I do not eat too much. Below […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #6 for D-Awareness Month: A Nutrionist to a Level of Art Form

….The answer is who is Susan Weiner. Her Susan Weiner Nutrition, Your Healthy Life site is a must have for anyone needing questions answered about nutrition.  Her site:….. provides a realistic approach for achieving your healthy life.  Anyone can lose weight, at Susan Weiner Nutrition we teach you how to keep those pounds off forever! Our individually […]