
How Important Are Our Kids with Four Paws?????

I have two kids with four paws. Dusty and Jessie are as much a part of this family as the rest of us.  They were given their names from the movie Tootsie, which is a movie of great significance in our lives.  Our first dog was named Tootsie and I’m sure she was never happy with […]


A New Video PSA from IDF——Uhhhhmmmmm…….You Might Have an Opinion On It.

Well I am really glad I might have put a smile on your face earlier today with a light-hearted look at diabetes because I was just sent a notification of the new Public Service Announcement video from the International Diabetes Federation. It is on their home page. I think that smile you had this morning might be short-lived.  I […]


You Look Like You Need to Smile Today…..Read These True Funny Diabetes Tidbits.

Today I woke-up and saw that it was raining.  Rainy days and Mondays always get me down (sounds like that could be a song….oh wait… is!).  So in the spirit of NOT LETTING a rainy monday get us down; I went to the Children with Diabetes humorous tidbit site and took some funny stories to put […]


The Unfairness of Life…..Moving On!

Growing up in my house, every Sunday morning had the radio on, the music playing, and the smell of either pancakes or eggs being cooked by mom. My mom worked outside the home in a career also; almost as far back as I can remember so the weekends were always full of much activity.  When there […]


The Perfect Storm….Why One and Not The Other…..and Appreciating the Navigators!!!

The perfect storm. Someone said something to me recently that got me thinking (always dangerous—I know).  They said that their child wakes up when they are low, “NO MATTER WHAT” in the middle of the night; and they do not, and have not, awoke in the middle of the night to check their child’s blood sugar for […]


A World Outside the DOC…….Aren’t You Glad to be on the Inside?

As many of you know, I (along with about 3500 if my closest friends) spent last week at the CWD FFL Conference in Orlando.  There were many pictures posted by many people and stories told all over the DOC. There was a lot. There have also been a good deal of stories of people getting ready for camp, […]