
Hostage Situation in China…….YOU Might Want to Pay Attention.

I have been reading, with interest, about the hostage situation in China.  An American held hostage by a group of employees……turns out, pointed out by a dear friend of mine, that  a diabetes company is included. With all of the discussions surround newly orchestrated competitive bidding for diabetes supplies, will this type of situation have more […]


Well…….It Could Be Worse……Your Child Could Have…….

Seriously it is this phrase more than anything that gets under my skin.  It is usually said, if I may add, by someone who has nothing to deal with on a day-to-day basis as far as any health issue in their children. Those of us who live with this every day also know that ANY […]


A Short ‘Must See’ Video You Will Love

She’s gorgeous. She’s smart. She’s sassy. She’s sexy. Her video is brilliant. Her brilliance is brilliant. Just enjoy Ginger Vieira.  Click the link below.  And share this everywhere….BRILLIANT! I am a diabetes dad. Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


Nothing Stronger….a Proud Night!

I sat back on my chair at the restaurant.  It was a celebration.  It was the graduation from high school for our youngest, Rob.  A magical day and night. Families wish for what I was in the middle of experienceing, it is surely my hope that their wish gets granted.  As in the Jimmy Stewart […]


No More 504 Plans

I bet you really wish you could say that, don’t you? Imagine a life with no more 504 plans. (for those who are not aware, a 504 plan is a plan created in cooperation with the public school systems in the United States ensuring that our kids with diabetes are ‘looked-after’ in the appropriate manner—a very simplistic definition […]


That is a Diabetes Dad; an NBA Champion

Plain and  simple….Ray Allen is a diabetes dad. Plain and simple Ray Allen scored a three pointer to put last game to over time. Plain and simple Ray Allen is on the NBA Champions’ Miami Heat. Plain and simple, the Diabetes Research Institute is proud to have them involved with us and congratulates Ray on […]