
Not a Second Child Diagnosed?….What Would I Do?

This question is asked by so many parents who have a child with diabetes.  I asked it often and knew that because of my loyalty to the things that I have dedicated my life in the diabetes world after Kaitlyn’s diagnosis in 1992; that there was no way on earth that God, fate, or whatever one […]


Do they Know what We Do………..While they Sleep?

While they sleep. Do they know we stare at them first? Do they know we think “…where can I do this without disturbing their sleep?” Do they know we want to do this as quickly as possible? Do they know we would stay all night, every night, if we could go without sleep? Do they […]


My Child, When Low….Will Wake up…..Right? Um…..Not Necessarily.

I had the opportunity to hear Jeff Hitchcock present this weekend and he addressed night-time testing and the ‘thought’ that our kids wake up when they feel low. It is thought by many (us…..definitely) that should our kids start to feel low while they sleep they wake up.  I know for me it was a […]