There has been much, much discussion about the T1/T2 diabetes name confusion/change/clarification and what to do about it. Below I have a link to a story that appears in Forbes Magazine by Alice Walton, a contributor that covers health, medicine, psychology and neuroscience. Ms. Walton states in her article that we should be rid of […]
Tag: Diabetes Blogging
Many times I have stated that any one person can make a difference if they choose to make a difference. If you have not been following what has been happening in California, you should find out. Yesterday, the California Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the American Nurses Association (ANA) v. Tom Torlakson as Superintendent of […]
This is Eleanor who is six years old and is about to meet the world. Now listen to me carefully—-all you will read, see, and hear—is all Eleanor’s idea. GOT THAT? Good. She is cute. She is charming. She stars in this first video. She has diabetes. Be warned: SHE WILL STEAL YOUR HEART. Julie […]
Well……..Memorial Day Weekend is behind us and that means it’s time for summer. There is something about summer, isn’t there? Walks on the beaches with friends, jumping into pools with your clothes on, b-b-q’s, picnics, baseball games, pools, beaches, fishing, kickball games, amusement parks, fun-fun-fun in the summer sun. I remember my summers growing up. […]
Let me start off by saying this is NOT AN ARTICLE on what to do with the name of diabetes. I was just looking at some of those posts and I happen to cut away and started reading an article about one of the rookies trying out for the Baltimore Ravens Football team who has […]
I read a line of post recently that was heart breaking. “We have a child recently diagnosed with diabetes and I was wondering if those who have a child with diabetes, how much it played a role in having any more children?” To begin with; in no way, shape, or form will I attempt to […]