
Wake Us Up Damnit!!!!! Nitetime Lows???? Warn Us!!!!

I was asked to rerun this column and respectfully I post it again. Okay—here is the idea.  While we wait for so many things from a cure to better tools for management like a bionic/artificial pancreas; here is my idea. Knowing one of the BIGGEST fears for parents is losing our child(ren) (or loved one […]


A Big Corporate Giant………Made up of People; Just Like You and Me.

At the end of the day, it’s about people. On many occassions I hear and/or read about this company or that company and the ‘big bad’ machine that operates in the daily business pages.  I want to share something  today about a big company made up of……..well………people, many having a tie-in with diabetes, just like […]


An Incredible Story about an Angel, Literally, an Angel.

I have stated before that I meet the most remarkable people in my travels.  Traveling this week to an incredible event to benefit those who battle diabetes every day.  On the plane recently I began a conversation with Betty.  Betty had remarkable tales of her family and one in particular struck me and that was […]


WOW!!!! J&J’s Animas Submits for US FDA Approval for the Vibe—reports Two Top DA’s

Two very popular members of the Diabetes Advocates are reporting news that many of us have been waiting for some time to hear…… two years. I just read about the fact that the folks from J&J’s Animas have finally submitted for the FDA approval process here in the USA from Bennet Dunlap, a huge follower and ‘sharer’ […]


A Massacre in Boston

Again. A terrorist attack yet again. From someone who spent 36 straight hours in Lower Manhattan on September 11th, 2001 helping in a way I could have never imagined (that story at another time); my head started to swirl with the news coming from Boston Massachusetts yesterday.  One of the world’s most famous runs, the […]


Some ???????? for a Monday?

Questions to think about for a Monday. Why is that every political figure from local, state, and federal auspices tout how they ‘held the line on taxes’ and I am paying more than I ever paid? Why are all the elected leaders on Capitol Hill not opting in for the same medical care the rest of […]