SANTA CLAUS CAN PEN A PERSONAL NOTE TO YOUR CHILD THIS CHRISTMAS Jolly holiday 7th Annual fundraiser benefits Diabetes Research Institute Foundation NOTE: Your child does not have to have diabetes to receive a letter from Santa (cute video—click picture) Yes, Virginia (and Emma, and Maria, and Max, and Willie…), there is a Santa Claus. […]
Tag: diabetes change
So far during this month of Diabetes Awareness, I have read and/or seen hundreds, perhaps thousands, of postings and writings across social and other media sources. All things about education, inspiration, awareness, and advocacy. Incredible and wonderful ‘happenings’. And yet…… I ask myself what has changed? No one is to blame, these are ALL WONDERFUL. […]
If you look up the word ‘aware’ in the dictionary, Webster writes, “….having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge; watchful, wary…..” This is Diabetes Awareness Month and this day is World Diabetes Day—the 14th—–it is the ‘wary’ I would like to focus on. Lately, I have struggled with my approach about the closing of Animas…..leaving tens […]
Time and time again we hear people say, let me know when something different comes along; something we can all participate in to help a diabetes cause that we can all do but does not take away from the efforts each person has with the diabetes organization of their choice . Why can’t we get […]
From three years ago and updated but still a treat (get it?)…..enjoy. Happy Halloween. Within the next week will be Halloween. Halloween means so much to kids. Our kids with diabetes are no exception. I remember when Kaitlyn was younger and many neighbors bought stickers and toys for Kaitlyn; “…I did not know what to […]
By now I’m sure you read the comment made by Jimmy Kimmel regarding the cookies he received from Kelly Ripa (“you are sweeter than diabetes”)? Forget Halloween, the internet lit up like a Christmas tree with tweets and comments slamming the late night host stating that he should know better AND especial because he has […]