I know that last Tuesday, September 20th, came and went like any other Tuesday…..the sun rose, the sun set. It was Tuesday. Uneventful. Unremarkable. Just Tuesday. Right? Not Exactly. Because three years ago an event occurred that would change the world for so good for so many, but not for the ones who lived it. […]
Tag: diabetes change
Why are Others SO Far Ahead of Me?
It does not matter of you are starting anew job, or learning something new…….like diabetes care. Self doubt enters the picture. Others seem so far ahead in the process. They speak of their kids doing this or doing that and we don’t think we will EVER get our kids blood sugars below 200……much less take […]
How mad are you…..I hope you are furious. Beyond Type 1.org (founded by Nick Jonas, Sam Talbot, Sarah Lucas, and Juliet De Baubigney) are involved in the Revlon One Million Dollar Challenge. Every dime that is raised today will go to Beyond Type 1’s efforts to bring awareness to the missed diagnosis of T1D. Reaching […]
Not All Heroes Have Capes!
“My child is recently diagnosed, can someone please send me information about a celebrity who has diabetes so I can share with my newly diagnosed child.” We have seen this request before. I believe we are better served to share with newly diagnosed kids, OUR kids who live everyday life with their diabetes who are […]
Tomorrow is the 15th anniversary of one of the most tragic days in our history. I was there. I was there for 36 straight hours and saw things that were beyond frightening. Many know my story and I’m not going to re-tell it today but I want to share an observation. When people ask me […]
Want to be involved in a really great debate…..pick a presidential candidate and tell everyone on social media why you are voting for this person…..and let the fun begin. I promise you that no matte how much sense you my be making to yourself, you will be handed an earful from others. Decisions in diabetes……..mmmmmmm…..not too, […]