
Anyone PISS You Off Lately?????

It’s hard sometimes to sit and think this all the way through.  I have been at it a long time.  I have dedicated my life and am a staff member supporting one of the greatest research centers in the world.  There are surely more centers than just the DRI and many are doing great things.  To me, the […]


Is Life REALLY as ‘CRUMPLED’ as ALL That?

Two incidences have happened that have caused me to write today’s article.  One is to share that I know two families who have come to know each other only through the deaths of their sons.  Side-by-side pictures, you would swear they were brothers.  Yes, both died of complications of T1 diabetes and both families are […]


Diabetes…Why Did It HAPPEN THAT WAY Today?—Sucks, Don’t It????

How many times have we asked ourselves ‘why’ something happens when it comes to our child’s blood glucose numbers.  I always loved that question, as if it really has a logical answer?  Let’s equal the playing field here, I am not speaking about the instances when a number is easily explained, of course that is——easy.  […]


Because “My Doctor Said It”…….Fact?……Not Always.

We challenge our colleagues, our partners, our kids and even the mechanic that works on our car.  We challenge them at what they know, and what we want them to know, and yet, I’ll ask a mom in mere conversation why she uses a certain glucometer and she will answer because our doctor said we […]


A Diabetes Emergency is Not the Time to Teach Your Child.

There are a few things that you probably should look into if you have a child with diabetes.  The first is if you have just one glucometer in the house, you should look to get one, or even a few more.  If you look around, it probably is not too hard to get one for […]


The iPhone……”I’ Indeed……We are Losing the Concept of ‘WE’….and Quickly!

I was out this week and I saw a young couple at a table in a restaurant.  They were both speaking to each other but more than “half-an-eye” was on the hand-held phone device as they ‘spoke’ to each other. Do you have that visual in your head? Now ask yourself where are you on […]