
A ‘Child’s Cry for Change’—an Update–and Stories Now Needed From You!!

It has been a whirlwind since we first discussed the “Child’s Cry for Change”.  Efforts to help educate…..well……the world on looking for the warning signs regarding diabetes; and the diagnosis therein.  The goal is for the warning signs to be seen much sooner and that no child is diagnosed with T1 at death. This is […]


Let’s Try to Extinguish at Least ONE Blue Candle……You In?

Yesterday was an incredible day.   Sad.  But incredible none-the-less.   People responded, people offered help, and people said “I am ready”.  After reading what so many shared were ‘close calls’, and also reading that more needs to be done than just write about it; I would like to ask people to do the following:  1. Please […]