
A Letter to My Children with Diabetes…….Feel Free to Use it Too.

Feel free to copy, paste, make your own, and leave it where you child(ren) will see it. My dear children, If I have not told you lately, you are my heroes.  I know, I know…….I do that parenting thing too much which embarrasses you at times and annoys you at others.  But what you accomplish […]


Kids? To Cell Phone or Not to Cell Phone—–That is the Question?

We, as parents, pretty much have our minds made up on many things when it comes to our kids.  When they can stay up later than 8:30 pm, when they can no longer sleep in our room, when they can see a certain movie depending on violence and other such content, when they can go out […]


A Cure for Our Kids. Naysayers. Sorry, Not in Our House.

When Kaitlyn was diagnosed over 22 years ago, I made her a promise.  I promised her that we would do all we could to make sure she was well taken care of and more than that, I promised her that I would not rest until a cure was found. My promise. Every step I have […]


You JUST MAY Owe Someone a Call in your Diabetes World.

Over the last few days, a few things have occurred that took me back to when we first started with ‘our new normal’.  At the time, there were a few individuals who taught me a great deal.  I have written about Charlie Rizzo many times.  He, even after so many years, is still as dedicated […]


The Biggest Prize in Diabetes; has been Around Almost a Hundred Years!!!!

I love my local 7-11 store.  Russ, and his family, have been the owners of this community gathering for years and years.  I’m convinced that this store has replaced the ‘old-time’ drug stores.  The stores which became the gathering place for community and idle chit-chat. Something happened in this store a while back that stuck […]


When Your Child is Sick….It’s Your Fault….So Feel Guilty….Right?

It has often been stated, and I have often chimed in the same, that when asked whether I would let my child with diabetes do something I answer, “would I have allowed it if diabetes was not in the picture?”   That is the barometer on allowing what my child can strive to do. Today I speak […]