
Holiday Gatherings……..Get Ready for those WONDERFUL Comments!!!

As sure as Santa will buckle himself into the sled for the big ride this week, it is time for those of us who have a child with diabetes to buckle up as well.  Time to get ready as we go on our holiday ride which is accompanied by seeing all of those relatives and friends […]


It’s Just Impossible…..How can I Celebrate the Holidays???..Diabetes!!!!

Well……actually many of us do.  If you find that the holidays are just a reminder of how ‘bad the cards’ are that were dealt with you upon your child’s diagnosis, I want you to know that the ship you captain is the one you build to sail. Everyone, at the beginning, feels that this is the absolute […]


I Shudder to Think that I Wrote Shutter Instead of Shudder

So I am in Washington DC yesterday, I have meetings and a very important luncheon. I stay up extra late to get my diabetes dad article done after flying, traveling, and checking-in.  I don’t care about the day, I MUST GET IT DONE.  I was tired and exhausted.  Maybe I can wake up early and […]


If Seeing this Makes YOU Shudder………You NEED to Read This.

Please, please, please (and let’s just say I wrote it a hundred more times) do whatever you can to add syringes to your diabetes management program.  There was a time that there were no other options and as I see more and more the absolute horror that the ‘pump broke’ “………and I really can’t stand […]


Something That Will Make You Smile Today!!!!!! Enjoy!!!

Sometimes you just need something that will make you smile……and for the holidays…..this will surely make you smile. Click the picture and sit back and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. I am a diabetes dad. Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


Little Virginia asks ‘Will there be a Cure”. (A Take on a Holiday Story)

In answer to the many postings I have recently seen from children (and parents) asking Santa for a cure, today, with apologies to The New York Sun, I again dust off an old article I did for dLife and respond to an updated letter from a young lady who asked a simple question during this holiday season. […]