

FOR THE RECORD: I do not want to play sugar_______ anything on FB, so don’t ask. I do not want to play candy crush either, thank you. I do not want to meet you in any fictitious games. I don’t care who I was in 200 A.D. I don’t care what movie I am (what […]


AP/Bionic Pancreas or a Cure????? Whoever said it was an ‘OR’???

I have always found it very interesting listening or reading the discussions regarding research and regarding management tools.  Somewhere, somehow, the word got out there that some things are an ‘either’/’or’ decision. Are they? If it is all the same to anyone else, I am waiting and holding my breath for the AP and/or bionic […]


When a Little Girl has Something to say to Her Daddy

She does not look like that anymore.  she is much older.  At twenty-four, actually, a woman now.  But in a father’s eyes, when his daughter (especially if it is his only daughter) asks him something, says something, does something; the glasses that no one sees are the glasses he sees through and it is the […]


Tara; that is Spelled H-E-R-O. A Young Lady Who Put it All Out There for the World to See!!!!!

There is a difference between T1 & T2 diabetes.  I have stated a zillion times, that if you have something you strongly believe in, “Don’t Do Nothing”.  Seems a 7th grader decided that she wanted to do something about it.  Behind that absolutely gorgeous smile is a young lady who went on a mission with […]


If You DO NOT have T1; Do you Really Know what SICK Even Means?

Wow……what a crappy couple of days.  This summer-fever-cold-flu-knock-you-on-you-butt gripped me but good. As I laid in bed looking at the ceiling, I had one thought that I could not shake.  I did not want to bother with anything.  Leave me alone.  Don’t whisper.  Don’t say my name.  Don’t touch me. Don’t bring me soup.  Just leave […]


Could Lightning Strike Twice??…..We Can Only Hope!!

Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he? This quote is from the movie classic, It’s a Wonderful Life.  For today’s purposes, we need to change the word man……to woman.  And in this case, a specific woman.  Her name is Nicole Johnson.  […]