“I’m so sorry.” Pause Pause “You know my grandfather had diabetes and he………” (You get the idea) This is a very popular response when people are informed that two of my kids have diabetes. I usually end up reminding them again when they are done with the tirade of all the complications their loved one lived […]
Tag: diabetes dad
I watched the Michael J. Fox Show this week. Michael’s show deals with a beloved news reporter who is hit with Parkinson’s Disease and must leave the newsroom. He decides to return after a few years. Instead of acknowledging the Parkinson’s is their ‘somewhere-but-let’s-not-acknowledge-it’, the show hits it head on. Mr. Fox, living with it daily, well no […]
So the story goes that a customer sat down and was approached by the waitress at the restaurant. He was hungry, she had a job to do. It was probably tone, or a glance, or a smile but the conversation flowed easily. “One day I would like to visit Italy.” she said. The anonymous donor […]
It’s a special day. Will everything fall in order as it should? Will diabetes behave itself? Will all the food arrive and be done according to plan? Will diabetes behave itself? Will everyone be on time, will anyone have a problem arriving? Will diabetes behave itself? Will people have a good time and will everyone […]
There will come a time, if it has not already, that you (or you as you speak with those you love who have diabetes) will have to come to grips with the reality of the world. I have two confessions to make. I am not proud of these two confessions but I’m not apologizing for […]
In my junior year in High School I was introduced to the theatre. The show was Godspell. I came off stage and told my mom that I would be doing this the rest of my life. I would go on to appear in 3 other different productions in my career. I figured it out once, […]