
It’s Diabetes Awareness Month; So….uhm….uh….Yeah?

Well it’s here…….NOVEMBER.  The ‘holiday season’ for people with diabetes.  Diabetes awareness month, world diabetes day, blue, blue, blue……….right? Really? I have watched this month pass for the better part of twenty-one years now and please excuse me if I don’t get too excited.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the Big Blue Test that the Diabetes Hands […]


A Questions is Asked…..Diabetes Needs More? Do We? Your Thoughts Please.

On FB yesterday I read the following question from a parent: I am tired that everywhere I go there is a support this or support that except for our t1d children and families does anybody feel the same? In the world where we find products all turning pink or a telethon or paper Shamrocks being sold or […]


What are You Doing Today???? Do the Big Blue Test.

Between 2010 and 2011, over 10,000 people helped themselves while helping more than 10,000 others. Most participants in the Big Blue Test experience an average blood sugar drop of 20% and by every Big Blue Test result a donation is made by the program sponsor to help others around the world with diabetes in need. The Big […]