
What a Horrible Parent!!!!!!

I am such a horrible parent!!! Ever say that?  How could I have reacted in such a manner? When Kaitlyn was a little girl, I stated to Jill that I should correct (or lightly discipline) her in front of my son, T.J. so he did not think she was getting all the attention.  I waited for the right […]


What are You Doing Today???? Do the Big Blue Test.

Between 2010 and 2011, over 10,000 people helped themselves while helping more than 10,000 others. Most participants in the Big Blue Test experience an average blood sugar drop of 20% and by every Big Blue Test result a donation is made by the program sponsor to help others around the world with diabetes in need. The Big […]


I Would Not Tell You What To Do….no…No…NO!

  Two friends are having lunch.  A third person joins them and says, “Hey, did you see the clown out front?” One friend responds, “Was it a real clown or one dressed as one?” My point; people hear (or in this case, read) something but do not catch the full meaning.  I posted something two days […]