
The Changing Times—Remember When…………??????

Do you realize that if you speak to our young people today about anything to do with the Viet Nam War, you might just as well be speaking about WWII.  The explosion disaster of The Challenger was 28 years ago, and do you even want to discuss a conversation about walking on the moon? Times; […]


Uhm……Planning a Discussion About your Child’s Diabetes at School?????

I have seen, over the past few months, an attitude that I would like to discuss.  It is the attitude about your rights in school.   No matter where you live (and our overseas friends, I invite you to enlighten us as to what happens where you are) there are rights that are due your children. […]


Watch this Amazing Short Video—It Reminds Me of…….Well…….many of You!!!!!

I saw this video.  Click the picture; it is pretty amazing and very short.  And it made me think of everyone out there who participates in organizing, running, and participating in an event for diabetes causes (I find it apropos that this is done with chocolate). Whether it be for fund-raising or for education or for […]


Barbie Dolls……..and Baseball Gloves.

“You cannot go out until you clean up all of these Barbie Dolls!!!”  “Must you leave your baseball equipment all over the house?????”  “Clean up your room.” Sound familiar? We, as parents, are the ultimate reminders, aren’t we?   No matter how hard we try, we still must tell our kids a thousand times to get […]


When Our Kids Get Involved in this World……….Well How Great is THAT?????

People. So many people in our lives.  So many who have helped along the way. Constantly we read of those who felt all alone and that no one understands what we go through.  Constantly we read about those who seem all alone.  This makes me sad. I do not think we were ever, really, all alone.  […]


Being in the Dark…..Well THAT’s Up to You!!!!! The Ultimate Equalizer in this Diabetes Journey!!!!

I received a very interesting email yesterday and I wanted to share it with you.  I was asked; “You write all the time about education being so crucial in the diabetes journey, and crucial to accepting this disease—-what is the best way to educate ourselves?” What an incredible question. I will begin this answer from my […]