
Why Won’t Our Parents be Involved with Our Child’s Diabetes?????

I want to be 100% clear that I’m not judging one way or the other with today’s article.  My answer and what others say; is not your answer, nor should it be.  This is one of the toughest articles I have written but I just felt it needs to be addressed.  Perhaps it might open a discussion […]


A FREE (I said FREE) Family Getaway Weekend for 15 Families with Diabetes

Something for free?????  There is a catch, right?  Nothing is for free.  Why would someone give a weekend away completely for free?  Can’t be true, can it? Well here is the world’s best kept secret and you have a shot to take part.   Pump Wear is a company that has been around for a while and […]


PART II—PLEASE READ AND SHARE: Child Diagnosed at Death…..Need Your Help……Even if YOUR CHILD was Close.

I wrote earlier today about having a good lead to help educate Family Physicians on looking more closely for diagnosis of diabetes before allowing misdiagnosis. Someone stated that I should not just include Diagnosis at Death….and I fully agree. If your doctor (no names please) missed the diagnosis of your child’s T1 diabetes when they showed symptoms of […]


Child Diagnosed at Death; Thought it was the Flu….Now Let’s do Something about it….Need YOUR Help!!!!

I need your help. I am in discussions with someone who might help educate Family Physicians (Pediatricians would be next) on a fairly large-scale to administer a protocol for (at least) a urine sample when symptoms in any shape or form resemble a possible T1 diabetes diagnosis (whether it be flu, sever back aches etc etc).  At the […]


It May Not Seem So, But it was a BIG DEAL.

There are moments. Moments that will leave a mark on your brain, your heart, and your soul.  Usually it is a major occurrence but I have also always been a master at remembering the little things that have happened in my life, but little compared to the world’s standards, not mine; but they hugely impacted my […]


School’s Open, Drive Carefully Indeed

 In the majority of this country kids have started school.  Hundreds of times I have seen the photo dreaded by every kid holding a sign with the year they are in and the grade they are in…….they’ll survive; and their future spouse will thank us all 20 years or so from now.  The pictures are fabulous. Today […]