Black cats, broken mirrors, lucky rabbit’s foot and many other artifacts are needed on this day of Friday the 13th according to folklore. The date, to which some attribute the 13 who gathered for the last supper on the Thursday before what led to what the Catholics call ‘Good Friday’; when Jesus was crucified….so when […]
Tag: diabetes inspiration
Diabetes should be the same every day. Glucose numbers should be fairly level and the intake of carbs vs. activity vs. insulin ratio should change very little. This is not such a hard thing to do. Sound like a dream?????? Well it is. Whether you are new at this or at it for years you need […]
It seemed like a simple request. I was in an elevator in my hotel. A woman walked in with her two children. Two fine young men both wearing North Carolina shirts. The mom asks if the young man has the room key and he answered yes, “You gave me yours to hold. Maybe next time […]
I really do not know how to explain it. I really don’t. I mean I knew it was coming. At some point or another I knew it would be here. It was discussed. It was mentioned. Yet when all was said and done, it was when I heard two people speaking that I realized, not […]
We hear it all the time. Young people. They lack enthusiasm. They are lazy. They have become cold. They are too ‘into’ themselves. They just don’t care. Well………tonight I experienced something that I wish so many could have witnessed; but more than that I wish everyone in the diabetes community could have witnessed. Education for […]
If you are waiting on diabetes to have a ‘good’ day, you may be waiting a long, long time. Over the years I have heard and/or read some of the following: “I sure hope diabetes behaves today.” “I hope diabetes gives me a break.” “Diabetes better be nice today.” …… won’t. Diabetes is a beast. […]