
The Night Before D-Christmas—2017

With special apologies to Clement Moore. I present what has become a DiabetesDad tradition……an updated, ‘Twas the Night Before D-Christmas for 2017 ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The meters, CGMs, and supplies were put away with such care, In hopes that […]


Annual Tradition Continues—–Your Child and a Personal Santa Letter

SANTA CLAUS CAN PEN A PERSONAL NOTE TO YOUR CHILD THIS CHRISTMAS Jolly holiday 7th Annual fundraiser benefits Diabetes Research Institute Foundation NOTE: Your child does not have to have diabetes to receive a letter from Santa (cute video—click picture) Yes, Virginia (and Emma, and Maria, and Max, and Willie…), there is a Santa Claus. […]


Halloween and Diabetes….Be Afraid…..Be VERY Afraid……REALLY? Nope. Boo.

From three years ago and updated but still a treat (get it?)…..enjoy.  Happy Halloween. Within the next week will be Halloween. Halloween means so much to kids. Our kids with diabetes are no exception. I remember when Kaitlyn was younger and many neighbors bought stickers and toys for Kaitlyn; “…I did not know what to […]


NEWSBREAK: RYAN REED WINS IN DAYTONA…..Diabetes at 187 mph!!!!!

I have no voice from screaming at the TV. Car accident after car accident. Two involving Ryan. But still, he kept coming back. And kept coming back. In a race that went into overtime…. Ryan Reed won at Daytona tonight in one of the longest races ever on record. BAM TAKE THAT DIABETES. My heart was […]


Good-Bye 2016….and Thank……YOU!!!!!!

Well tear the page off the calender, 2016 is history.  Much has surely happened this year and as I reflect on it, I realize that so much good happened in the year.  I know many feel differently, and that is fine as they are entitled, but I’ve never been one to stay focused on one […]


Twas the Night Before D-Christmas 2016

With special apologies to Clement Moore.   I present a tradition……an updated, ‘Twas the Night Before D-Christmas for 2016 ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with prayer, In hopes that Santa would bring the cure with him […]