Well tear the page off the calender, 2016 is history. Much has surely happened this year and as I reflect on it, I realize that so much good happened in the year. I know many feel differently, and that is fine as they are entitled, but I’ve never been one to stay focused on one […]
Tag: Diabetes
With special apologies to Clement Moore. I present a tradition……an updated, ‘Twas the Night Before D-Christmas for 2016 ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with prayer, In hopes that Santa would bring the cure with him […]
For One Brief Moment
For one brief moment may you find the peace and solace you need to enjoy those around you. For one brief moment, although you will never forget pain, be allowed to focus on what you DO have around you that brings you joy. For one brief moment, may diabetes behave, to allow you to see […]
“I think we have been apart too long. I really just cannot exist without her in my life.” And in an instant, all of the concerns about,; will he take care of her diabetes, will he make sure she is okay, will he care for her, will he…..will he……willl he??????? I answered him, “You not […]
Today, Lilly Diabetes released an announcement that they are reducing insulin up to 40% for some users in the retail market. You can read the announcement here: https://investor.lilly.com/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=1003887 Now this very well may not be for everyone and clearly will not work in all cases, maybe not even in a whole bunch of cases. But […]
What I am about to share with you, has been shared with me from our friends from Glu, a T1D exchange Community and T1D Exchange. I’m sharing it because so many have been inquiring as to the data from their extensive survey entitled: Driving patient-centric research: DKA & Misdiagnosis. Let’s be very clear about these findings…..THEY ARE […]