(Before I begin today, I want to thank everyone who sent in help for the two moms—I think we found what we needed and I passed everything along. Know that they the moms may not reach out to you only because they found the help they need from someone else. Thank you to all who sent […]
Tag: Diabetes
One of the best parts of these articles is that it offers me the opportunity to help others when they are in need. Today is such a day. If you are a mom or a dad who can help; it would be greatly appreciated. I have two moms who are in need of support. Kindly […]
Why would anyone have to wake up in the middle of the night to test their child’s blood sugar? Did you ever hear the question; why do people rob banks? The answer is simple; because that is where the money is. The answer of whether someone wakes up to check their child’s blood sugar has […]
….and it’s ‘a tired’ I will gladly go without sleep any day of the week. What a joy—an absolute joy seeing all of those incredible kids graduating from ………well everywhere….and attending proms…..well everywhere as well. This time of year is just so incredibly positive. The newness ahead; the rites of passage, I find them all […]
And In a Second……They Were Gone!!!
There are many things that happen to us along life’s journey. I decided a long time ago that it’s not necessarily a matter of good and/or bad…….it’s a matter of what I learn. One of the most valuable lessons I learned in life……was the value of a human life. The value of a friend. The value […]
There was a song made famous…….a long time ago….called Bobby Sox to Stockings. It was sung by a few people and you can go to YouTube and listen to it if you like. The story of the song is about when a little girl grows into a woman. It was a smash hit and I always liked the song. […]