
93,936 Hours….To Be Ready at ANY Given Moment. The Expired Glucagon Dry Run!

Every hour that ‘ticks’ by each and every day; we have to be ready to grab the emergency glucagon.   When this one expired, Jill left it for me, which means she took the last one, and used it ‘to practice’.  Practice. She has written the note numerous times since September 26th, 1992.  We sort of have […]


A Mom Who Has Something to Say to Remind All of Us

This is from my good friend Pamela Loebner—-a woman I have known for some time–she ‘gets it’.  Her writing says it all and needs to be shared.   Pamela Kessler Loebner 11 years. Who is counting? Obviously, I am. I can’t help it. A lot of water has gone under the bridge in 11 years. 11 years […]


MEDIA SOURCES: Diabetes is a Burden……REALLY?????

I always get a kick when reading a press release about how diabetes is a burden. We have all read it somewhere and at some time or another.  You know; a burden on the health system, a burden on the national budget, a burden which drug companies are addressing. I picture some man or woman, […]


Where Are These People…….Seriously????????????

I have no right to feel this way.  I want to get that right out in the open at the onset.  I mean what everyone does, they do because they can, do, or choose to do……or do they? I saw a name today, I do not want to mention where or how but they were speaking […]


Still the One Special Dad—and Things he Taught All of Us

Gifts my dad gave me and how they relate to life and diabetes: …..don’t start something you won’t finish. I will stop this diabetes journey when my kids are able to and not one second before. …..if you believe in something, say it, do not spend the wasted time defending it because if it is […]


Dad, Father, Pop, Daddy, and Diabetes—-SIGH

Happy Father’s Day to all of you dads. Dads. Dad are unique breed when it comes to diabetes.  We try to look like we have it all together but in truth, we become a mess.  There are millions and millions of Hallmark Cards that tout the strengths of dads and the things dads do that […]