
“Stranded at the Drive-In”——Person with T1 Told No Food Allowed In.

John Travolta’s character in Grease sang that song when he was left high and dry at the drive-in movie theatre by Sandy, his true love.  It looks like Danny Zuko is not the only one having problems at the local neighborhood drive-in movies. Dr. John Deleonardis is a pediatrician who also owns a movie theatre in New […]


We Have our Own Language You Know…….TAKE NOTHING FOR GRANTED!!!!!

I remember growing up that my friend Gary, who is now a minster doing God’s work, and his family had this really unique way of calling each other.  We were at the mall together and I was with Gary’s sister, Diane.  I stated that we had to find Gary and she said, “I’ll get him.”  She […]


This is a REAL BIG Mistake!!!!! We Need to Stand Up and Take Notice.

How many times have we all seen the statements of how much more education is needed for the world to understand diabetes?  The differences between T1 and T2 as well as so many other aspects dealing with this insidious disease are constantly being reflected in articles, posts, and in all media; and we are always […]


The Hardest Thing to Understand……..When a Disease Acts Like a Disease.

Ever have one of those days.  Just a day that you might need a friend to talk to, it happens from time to time.  Not a lot, but time to time. When I have those days I have a few people I can speak to, and I do.  But every now and again, those people […]


The Merry-Go-Round………Take Time to……Well……Get Off!!!!!

The job you do…….well it’s amazing.  If you wrote down everything you did in a day, not dealing with diabetes, and also created a list of everything you do dealing with diabetes, and stepped back to look at them; you would think it could never be done…….but it is.  And it’s YOU who do it […]


The Dangers to Assume…….ANYTHING!!!!!!

We live in a word where if you fall into the ‘assume trap’ you could be asking for real trouble.  We all remember that wonderful episode of the Odd Couple when Felix represents himself in court and his ‘witness’ uses the word ‘assume’.  It’s under a minute and worth the laugh….click here to see it. In […]