
I Know Where My Heart Belongs…..Do You????

Happy Valentine’s Day. Those who know, know they have my heart.  But the islet cell picture in the shape of the heart, that I posted today, was discovered by one of the Researchers at the Diabetes Research Institute (DRI) and given to the world to use.  That simple gesture of sharing with the world is indicative […]


$116,000,000,000 You Pay….What Comes Back?

The American Diabetes Association estimates that when it comes to diabetes 116 billion dollars (with a “b”) is spent on everything out of lost time which is an additional 58 billion dollars. I believe there will be a solid advantage to the pharma world that is aligned with the place and/or organization that takes us closer to a […]


“D” ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

I wrote this a few years ago for my column on dLife….here it is slightly updated. Apologies still to Clement Moore, the original author—Merry Christmas  ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with  prayer, In hopes that Santa […]


A Brother’s Christmas Wish for his Sister…..and an Answer that will Touch Your Heart.

I share this with you in the spirit of the Holiday Season.  It is just an incredible Holiday wish that came to me via a mom. Thirteen-year-old Jeremy asked his mother if he could talk to Dr. Ricordi in private.  Dr. Ricordi of The Diabetes Research Institute, as so many know, is one of the […]


T.G.I.F. (Thanking Great Individuals Forever)

His efforts are tireless and his reputation well-known not only to his worldwide colleagues but many PWDs and to parents who wait for a cure.  He works in the lab, lectures worldwide and yet, still finds the time to speak to those with a full heart investment interest in finding a cure for diabetes.  Here he […]