
Are You Helping YOUR Doc???….TV’s Sandra Oh and Jim Turner Help us Take a Look.

When is the last time you took your child with diabetes to your doctor?  If, like most of us, it is usually 4 times a year;  are you helping your doctor, in any way, care for your child?  You should. When discussing a visit to the Doctor’s office, and this may seem elementary, but you would […]


What a First Year!

Wow, that went fast. Today begins my second year and it is hard to believe that it was just one year ago I hit the ‘publish’ button and my first daily writing was posted.  A whole year.  I have written columns for years at dLife, but a year ago started my daily writings and it has been […]


Diabetes “Mad Men”…..What Commercial WOULD YOU LIKE to See?

From my time as a producer, I can tell you that it is a very labor-consuming, frustrating, and difficult time frame, from conception to airtime, creating a commercial or Public Service Announcement (PSA). Trying to think of a commercial with a concept that captures the viewer’s attention by being edgy like this one created for […]


“D” ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

I wrote this a few years ago for my column on dLife….here it is slightly updated. Apologies still to Clement Moore, the original author—Merry Christmas  ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with  prayer, In hopes that Santa […]


Yes Virginia, There Will be a Cure! A Take on a Classic Tale for a Diabetes Cure.

In answer to all of the postings I have recently seen from children asking Santa for a cure, today, with apologies to The New York Sun, I dust off an old article I did for dLife and respond to a letter from a young lady who asked a simple question during this holiday season. Her […]