
Tried CGM? Pump?…and Went Off…..YOU FAILED!!!!!……..Hmmmmm Really?

I have a friend; let’s call her K.  K has a son, let’s call him Z.  I have known K for a very long time and she was an incredible actress.  I thought nothing could ever surpass her talent, but it did, it was K’s incredible and wonderful heart.  She is an incredible mom and her […]


Insulin Pump? CGM? One Choice……What Do You Choose? A Needed Dialogue.

So, say you are speaking to a newly diagnosed parent.  They are slowly coming around to understanding this new thing called diabetes and the doctor starts to inform them that it’s time to start thinking of having their child consider an insulin pump.  The conversation and the plans begin. But is that an error? Well not […]


NBC News Star Stuns a Room about the Death of a Colleague.

He was introduced.  He is mega star in NY News.  How fortunate that he would lend his good name and time to such a worthy cause. He calls them the way he sees them.  He created his “The Debrief” as a vehicle to help accomplish telling the stories needing to be told.  He is direct.  He is […]