
If You Liked Frozen’s ‘DO You Want to Build a Snowman”……..You Will LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!

  Do You Want to be My FFL? (pronounced Fif El).  It represents the acronym Friends for Life.  The video attached is something that anyone with diabetes can relate.  It was written by Sarah Loebner, a very special young lady. The introduction read at Friends for Life Conference was as follows: She—-was diagnosed with T1 […]


……..Because Some People are Worth Melting For……..A Parent’s Letter.

My Dear Child, Sleep. It is more important that you do than I. Wish. I wish I could take it all from you. Educate. While you are at this age, I will do all that is necessary so you can grow. Learn. When the time is right, you will know what I know and more. […]