
Today is THE LAST DAY to Get a Letter from Santa……Your Kids will LOVE IT!!!!!!

TIME IS RUNNING OUT FOR THIS, THE FIFTH YEAR!!!!!!–get your child’s personal letter from Santa today–last day is midnight tonight….and help fund diabetes research at the DRI. For details click the link below: ONE MOM WHO RECEIVED A SANTA LETTER THIS YEAR WROTE: “She got her letter today-it was absolutely fabulous!! SUPER impressed with all of […]


How Would you like Santa to Send a Letter to your Child, Grandchild, or Relative???–a Real Holiday Treat Fundraising Event.

So many kids are writing letters to Santa…….welllllllllll….what if Santa wrote them back?  That’s right, Santa will write a letter to your child on beautiful Christmas letterhead that will be very personal. Perhaps mentioning their teacher by name, or your pet by name, letting children know how proud Santa is in the way they are taking care of their […]


Today is Giving Tuesday…..Did You Know That????? 3 GREAT Ways to Help.

Do you know what today is???? You had black friday; you had cyber Monday—-well now that you saved all that money–welcome to Giving Tuesday.  That is correct… is the day to show your support to the charity of your choice. Now I have a few suggestions for you (well you know that was coming) just […]